The body is incredibly clever and with the right support, fuel, rest and healthy lifestyle habits, we can run at peak levels of wellbeing.
However, if we push ourselves too much, become overwhelmed by stress, anxiety, poor sleep or consume a nutrient poor diet our health starts to decline. Things get even worse if we rely on coffee, alcohol, pharmaceutical medications, and heavily processed foods (especially with lots of sugar) to keep pushing through.
If we are busy, we can start to ignore the warning signs until it’s too late….
Healing the body naturally requires investigation, time and commitment. There is no magic pill when dealing with natural medicine and healing. It requires personal responsibility as well as a great practitioner to help guide you. The benefits can be life-changing for you physically, mentally, emotionally, socially and financially.
Their role is to support the whole body and mind holistically and build an honest and supportive relationship between patient and practitioner.Treating the physical and emotional aspects of the illness might require a Naturopath to prescribe any of the following:
* dietary modifications to include healing foods or easy to follow meal plans, practical easy tips for busy people or those wanting to improve their diet or knowledge of food and cooking.
* quality mineral and nutrient supplementation which suits your individual body and individual needs
* herbal medicines in tincture (liquid form), tablet or topical creams
* lifestyle recommendations – exercise, relaxation, stress management, poor habits, addictions
* Australian Bush Flower Remedies (emotional remedies) or aromatherapy
* referrals to other supportive or more relevant practitioners